Today marks an important milestone in the evolution of Akixi, with the general availability of our first Microsoft Teams analytics product. Back in 2023, we reviewed the Teams market in detail and decided to take a slightly different and more difficult path than the current solutions on sale, which tended to be enterprise-focussed, requiring substantial amounts of professional services to deploy and maintain. We focussed on three major themes in our product:
Akixi has incorporated significant automation into the onboarding process to rapidly provision large numbers of enterprises in a short period. We believe service providers require this level of automation to roll out hundreds of sites in a single motion, thereby reducing their operation costs.
We know from experience that certain cohorts of enterprises require high-quality analytics with their UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) deployments. These include sectors such as government, healthcare, legal and retail. Typically, there is a compliance requirement sitting behind the need for highly accurate, real-time data. For example, when monitoring agent performance, supervisors must act at once. If the data is delayed, they are likely to make mistakes, causing a CX issue.
The development of real-time capabilities took us the longest time, but Akixi is now the only vendor in market with a real-time bot engine. This capability enables service providers and their channels to address the entire spectrum of use cases, not just a sub-segment. It’s also important to note that the businesses requiring real-time analytics tend to be much larger and less price-resistant than average, leading to increased profitability of Microsoft Teams attach services.
Again, we made the challenging decision to build our Microsoft Teams analytics from a common platform. This approach has many benefits, including reporting consistency and speed of deployment. Crucially, it creates the opportunity for analytics across hybrid or mixed UC estates. Many large Microsoft Teams deployments are either migration hybrids or functionality/economic hybrids. We will explain more about this in future blogs, but like real-time, our hybrid capability opens an even broader market opportunity for the channel.
I am proud of this development, and the feedback from customers has been exceptionally positive, especially on real-time, which they thought was not possible. There really has been a gap in the market for a true service provider solution that includes the key capabilities to maximise revenues from Microsoft Teams attach services. If you want to learn more, please click below.