Case Study

Akixi CX Analytics for Healthcare Providers – Use Case

Healthcare Use Case
May 9, 2024

Most patients prefer to call a healthcare provider when they need help or want to make an appointment. For this reason, healthcare organizations must ensure that each call is answered and patients receive timely assistance. CX Analytics empowers healthcare organizations with real-time call insights and historic data to handle calls efficiently, helping deliver positive patient experience, enhance staff performance and increase profitability.

The Challenge


Patients, whether in critical, acute or chronic care, are vulnerable in human or even veterinary scenarios. When patients call and encounter long hold times, or their calls go unanswered, it may prompt them to choose another healthcare provider or, worse, lead to negative health outcomes. For a healthcare provider, this could result in legal repercussions or missed opportunities to schedule appointments, leading to potential lost revenue.


The Solution


CX Analytics is a real-time call analytics and reporting solution that provides live call insights and historic data, delivering in-depth visibility of all incoming, outgoing, missed, rejected and unreturned calls. These insights help healthcare organizations keep detailed track of all patient calls and staff performance to provide timely, high-quality assistance, effectively allocate resources, and drive better clinical and commercial outcomes.

Business Results

  • Gain real-time visibility into KPIs through customizable, live dashboards and wallboards
  • Prioritize calls based on urgency or specific criteria to ensure critical cases receive immediate attention
  • Drive more appointments and consultations by delivering personalized patient-first experiences
  • Analyze call trends and forecast demand to optimize staffing levels and ensure adequate coverage during peak periods
  • Utilize call analytics data to identify and eliminate drivers of patient dissatisfaction and churn
  • Keep detailed track of all patient calls and ensure prompt responses, delivering timely assistance and medical support
  • Protect sensitive patient call record data and ensure compliance with contracted service level agreements (SLAs)
  • Track and follow up on missed or abandoned calls and appointments in real-time to prevent potential revenue loss
  • Deliver positive caller experiences that foster greater loyalty and retention, growing the patient base and increasing revenue
  • Monitor staff performance through real-time visibility into call metrics to identify and address training and resourcing issues
Benefits of CX Analytics for Healthcare Providers

Key Features

  • Advanced call analytics
  • Teams client integration
  • CRM integration
  • Historic reports
  • Real-time monitoring and reporting
  • Customizable wallboards and dashboards
  • Intuitive user experience
  • Compliance & privacy
Patient Safety
Swiftly respond to patient inquiries, requests, and emergencies to provide assistance according to upon-agreed SLAs, preventing worsened health outcomes
Revenue Boost
Increase profitability and retention rates through enhanced patient satisfaction, greater operational efficiency and improved staff performance
Staff well-being
Identify potential bottlenecks and optimize staffing levels to provide a healthy work environment and ensure a balanced workload for employees